The teaser for Chennai Express had everybody sit up. Now follows the item number, featuring our own southern beauty. Priya Mani, sharing the screen with Shahrukh Khan. It’s already a hit on YouTube. The catchy number, which goes, One, two, three, four, has Priya attired in colourful folksy attire with SRK in casuals, dancing with amazing energy to nonsense lyrics, like Icchukku Bicchukku.
Though it is tagged an ‘item number’, it figures in a sequence that conveys an upbeat mood, with the visuals devoid of any raunchy scenes. The song has so far got over 70,000 likes.
The song has several small-time actors and junior artistes from Kollywood who sing Tamil lines in between the stanzas. Choreographed by Raju Sundaram, the music of the film has been composed by Vishal-Shekhar. The groovy number has been shot in Wai, Maharashtra, which is often referred to as ‘Dakshin Kashi’.
Though it is tagged an ‘item number’, it figures in a sequence that conveys an upbeat mood, with the visuals devoid of any raunchy scenes. The song has so far got over 70,000 likes.
The song has several small-time actors and junior artistes from Kollywood who sing Tamil lines in between the stanzas. Choreographed by Raju Sundaram, the music of the film has been composed by Vishal-Shekhar. The groovy number has been shot in Wai, Maharashtra, which is often referred to as ‘Dakshin Kashi’.
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