Veteran director P Chandra Shekar Reddy, WHO made evergreen hits like Badipanthulu, Paadi Pantalu, Manavudu Danavudu among others is creating arrangements to direct a motion-picture show on YS Jagan. The motion-picture show can narrate the story of 3 generations of YSR’s family right from Raja Reddy to YS Jagan and Sharmila. The motion-picture show is titled as Jagannayakudu. Ananatha Padmanabha Reddy a devotee and fan of YS Rajashekar Reddy is manufacturing this political action person motion-picture show. Producer Padmanabha Reddy is expression that. “The motion-picture show can don't have anything to try and do with YSR party and politics. it'll be a correct thought motion-picture show geared toward informing and entertaining Telugu audience concerning YSR’s life and heritage.”
While Suman might seem as YSR, Raja might play YS Jagan’s character. Director laptop Reddy is advisement the thought of labor in Aamani for YS Vijaya lakshmi’s character. laptop Reddy says that the motion-picture show can don't have anything to try and do with politics and it’s a whole person which is able to combine facts and fiction in correct proportions. regardless of however YSRCP fares in 2014 and what's going to be the fate of Jagan, Jagan fans can have a reason to celebrate because it are a cheerful ending within the motion-picture show.
While Suman might seem as YSR, Raja might play YS Jagan’s character. Director laptop Reddy is advisement the thought of labor in Aamani for YS Vijaya lakshmi’s character. laptop Reddy says that the motion-picture show can don't have anything to try and do with politics and it’s a whole person which is able to combine facts and fiction in correct proportions. regardless of however YSRCP fares in 2014 and what's going to be the fate of Jagan, Jagan fans can have a reason to celebrate because it are a cheerful ending within the motion-picture show.
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